Top 15 FreePastry Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

FreePastry is an open-source implementation of Pastry intended for deployment in the Internet. The initial release of FreePastry is intended primarily as a tool that allows interested parties to evaluate Pastry, to perform further research and development in P2P substrates, and as a platform for the development of applications. Plans for later releases are to provide a robust, fully secure implementation that is suitable for a full-scale deployment in the Internet.

Software based on :

1. Chordless

Chordless Chordless is a Chord and DHash implementation written in java. It implements almost everything from Chord and DHash described at , as well as some extra features such as transactions and remote method invocation.

2. NChord

NChord NChord is a C# implementation of the Chord distributed hash table. The project provides a library containing the routing, lookup, and maintenance routines specified in the MIT Chord paper, and is quite stable including under heavy load and churn.Source code :

3. IPFSTube

IPFSTube IPFSTube is a player and uploader for videos , shared on the distributed network IPFS.Source code :

4. Open Chord

Open Chord OpenChord is an open source implementation of the Chord distributed hash table as described in the paper by Ion Stoica et al. "Chord: A scalable peer-to-peer lookup service for internet applications".It is available under GNU GPL.Source code :

5. TorrentStreaming

TorrentStreaming Watch .torrent movies without waiting for download with TorrentStreaming, a free cross-platform movie streaming app.......

6. nCMS

nCMS nCMS is a free Java based content management system.It provides a framework to create sophisticated web sites using tho powerful admin UI. * Multiple websites on a single nCMS application node.* Can handle hundreds of simultaneous website editors.* Flexible access rights management for website pages.* Central repository for all website......

7. Peergos

Peergos PeerGos is Java client for a decentralised, secure file storage, sharing and social network that's surveillance resistant and doesn't expose your friend network.It is based on the network IPFS , with its DNS service which is IPNS.......

8. TorrentProject

TorrentProject Torrent search engine Indexing 7489265 live torrents.A clean, fast and accurate bittorrent search engine.Collecting, searching torrents and verifing torrent data from bittorrent dht network, thepiratebay and more than 300 other torrent sites.Indexed by

9. ZeroVerse

ZeroVerse Authentication for the distributed network zeroNet without blockchain ( trustable list )locally : remotely : News : FAQ : Source codes are accessible locally after downloading the application with

10. Phex

Phex Phex is a peer-to-peer file sharing client for the Gnutella network. It is free software and without spyware or adware. Phex is released under the GNU General Public License. Phex is based on Java technology and therefore available for many different systems that offer a Java 1.4 runtime environment, such......

11. IPFS markdown player

IPFS markdown player A markdown player based on Strapdown.js and shared on the distributed network I.P.F.S.Based on the JavaScript library

12. SMesh

SMesh SMesh is a seamless wireless mesh network being developed by the Distributed System and Networks Lab at Johns Hopkins University. It provides peer-to-peer connectivity, Internet connectivity, and fast handoff to mobile clients across the mesh. Clients get connected automatically through standard DHCP. No software or drivers need to be installed......

13. ØMQ

ØMQ ØMQ is a high-performance asynchronous messaging library aimed at use in scalable distributed or concurrent applications. It provides a message queue, but unlike message-oriented middleware, a ØMQ system can run without a dedicated message broker. The library is designed to have a familiar socket-style API.......

14. Project Maelstrom

Project Maelstrom Project Maelstrom is a torrent-based distributed web browser developed by BitTorrent, Inc.It's a fork of Chromium that uses P2P to load torrents and render webpages.......


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