Top 15 Newspaper Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Newspaper is a news, full-text, and article metadata extraction built with Python 3.


- Works in 10+ languages (English, Chinese, German, Arabic, ...)
- Multi-threaded article download framework
- News url identification
- Text extraction from html
- Top image extraction from html
- All image extraction from html
- Keyword extraction from text
- Summary extraction from text
- Author extraction from text
- Google trending terms extraction

1. Datahut

Datahut Datahut is a web scraping service that helps companies gather data from web pages. Datahut provides low latency crawls (Thousands of pages per seconds) and large-scale crawls to enterprises (Millions of webpages). Datahut allows you to access web data at an affordable cost and eliminates vendor lock-in by using open......

2. Extracty

Extracty Extracty can extract any web data and create an API to the webpage's information.......

3. Email Extractor Online

Email Extractor Online Email Extractor Online was created to help marketers, internet entrepreneurs and sales professionals around the globe gather the most important piece of information in modern day communication; the email address. In most cases this information can be found by visiting a URL, searching for the email address, and then copying......

4. Web Robots

Web Robots Web Robots have several offers and tools:- For users without programming skills. A Chrome extension which guesses where is listing type data on a web page and coverts this data into CSV or Excel file.- For users with Javascript programming skills. Another Chrome extension which is an Integrated Development Environment......

5. GrabzIt

GrabzIt GrabzIt specializes in providing various web data capture services to our customers.Our web scraper makes it possible to extract data from the web pages and PDF documents and transform it into a easy to use format. While our screenshot service allows you to automatically create image and PDF screenshots of......

6. EXTRACT: With our web data extraction and robotic process automation (RPA) tool (web scraping tool) you can extract and transform data from any source.ENRICH: Use the visual data pipe tool to normalize, transform and enrich data and build an engine for handling all your data sourcesCONNECT: Connect data from any......

7. Automate That Shit

Automate That Shit ATS develops web applications to reduce human-time spent on shallow work.......

8. JobsPikr

JobsPikr JobsPikr is a job data delivery platform that extracts data directly from the company websites. It runs on top of automated crawlers powered by machine learning techniques to extract latest job listings directly from the career pages of company websites and delivers the data feed in the form of pre-packaged......

9. DataStock

DataStock Download comprehensive, clean and ready-to-use historical datasets from wide range of industries like ecommerce, travel, jobs, spanning across the geography.......

10. Apache Nutch

Apache Nutch Sorry, we have added any description on Apache Nutch......

11. BrowserAutomationStudio

BrowserAutomationStudio BrowserAutomationStudio is a solution that allows you to quickly create applications using browser, http client, email client, and other libraries. Programming skills are not required.Projects compiled with BAS are standalone executables and does not require any other software installed on your PC(including BAS).Software operates like macro recorder: all actions that......

12. UiPath

UiPath Robotic Process Automation Software.Automate rule based business processes. Train and design robots that drive the UI like a human.Robotic Process Automation is an automation performed by a computer (software robot) to drive existing application software in the same way a user does. UiPath enables business analysts to automate rule based......

13. Mixnode

Mixnode Mixnode is a fast, flexible and massively scalable web crawler in the cloud. Using Mixnode eliminates the need for upfront investment in infrastructure, hardware, software and labour that would be required if you built or ran your own web crawler.If you need to crawl the web, chances are you need......

14. Pincers

Pincers Pincers - Web automation DSL on top of webdriver (and nokogiri)......

15. renders JavaScript apps on servers to improve browser load time by 2.5x, fix open graph tags (Slack, Twitter, FB link unfurls), and improve SEO for all JavaScript apps (React, Angular, Ember and more) using the latest chromium build (supports es2015 syntax).It's the zero-config way to get high performant server......