Top 15 AdvanceCOMP Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

AdvanceCOMP is a collection of recompression utilities for your .ZIP archives, .PNG snapshots, .MNG video clips and .GZ files.

It's mainly intended for recompressing your rom, snapshot and clip collection of emulated games.

The main features are :

* Recompress ZIP, GZ, PNG and MNG files using the Deflate 7-Zip implementation.
* Recompress MNG files using Delta and Move optimization.

1. OptiPNG

OptiPNG OptiPNG is a command-line PNG optimizer that recompresses image files to a smaller size, without losing any information. This program also converts external formats (BMP, GIF, PNM and TIFF) to optimized PNG, and performs PNG integrity checks and corrections.......

2. TruePNG

TruePNG TruePNG is one of the most advanced PNG optimizers available. It does the most exhaustive checks for reductions, that lets it to optimize further, even if it uses a less efficient compression algorithm than others tools.Source:

3. PNGGauntlet

PNGGauntlet -Combines PNGOUT, OptiPNG, and DeflOpt to create the smallest PNGs-No image quality is lost — only file size-Converts JPG, GIF, TIFF, and BMP files to PNG-Ultra-configurablePNGGauntlet is a .NET program that uses Ken Silvermans PNGOUT, OptiPNG and DeflOpt to optimize PNG files. Many PNG files output by popular graphics software......

4. pngcrush

pngcrush Pngcrush is an optimizer for PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files. It can be run from a commandline in an MSDOS window, or from a UNIX or LINUX commandline.Its main purpose is to reduce the size of the PNG IDAT datastream by trying various compression levels and PNG filter methods. It......

5. ImageOptim

ImageOptim ImageOptim optimizes images — so they take up less disk space and load faster — by finding best compression parameters and by removing unnecessary comments and color profiles. It handles PNG, JPEG and GIF images. ImageOptim combines various optimisation tools: AdvPNG from AdvanceCOMP, OptiPNG, PngCrush, JpegOptim, jpegtran from libjpeg, Gifsicle......

6. Trimage

Trimage Trimage is a cross-platform GUI and command-line interface to optimize image files via optipng, advpng and jpegoptim, depending on the filetype. All image files are losslessy compressed on the highest available compression levels. Trimage gives you various input functions to fit your own workflow: A regular file dialog, dragging and......

7. TinyJPG

TinyJPG Make your website faster and save bandwidth. TinyJPG compresses your JPEG images by 40-60%!......

8. pngquant

pngquant pngquant is a command-line utility and a library for lossy compression of PNG images.The conversion reduces file sizes significantly (often as much as 70%) and preserves full alpha transparency. Generated images are compatible with all modern web browsers, and have better fallback in IE6 than 24-bit PNGs.Features* High-quality palette generation......

9. is a powerful online tool for reducing drastically the size of your images and photos whilst maintaining a high quality with almost no difference before and after compression.......

10. RIOT - Radical Image Optimization Tool

RIOT - Radical Image Optimization Tool [The installer contains Opencandy. Be careful during the installation: Forum ]Saving images for web/email/other media with the best compression ratio and quality is a difficult task if you don’t have the right tools. Choosing the right format then choosing the right parameters are the key factors of smaller......

11. iLoveIMG

iLoveIMG iLoveIMG is an online service to work with images completely free and easy to use. Compress images, resize, crop, convert and much more!......

12. Kraken Web Optimizer

Kraken Web Optimizer - essential web development online tools. Optimize your webistes with blazing speed! With Image Optimizer you can losslessly optimize your PNG, JPEG and GIF files and thus save your bandwidth and your users' time! Kraken recompresses images with blazing speed and strips metadata with image quality intact.......

13. Lossless Photo Squeezer

Lossless Photo Squeezer Lossless Photo Squeezer is a professional image size compressor which will reduce your PNG, JPEG and GIF photos and images size with LOSSLESS quality. You can optimize all your photos to save much hard drive space, web space and share full-resolution photos online more faster.Especially, Lossless Photo Squeezer can import......

14. Optimizilla

Optimizilla The ultimate image optimization tool to compress your images in JPEG and PNG formats for sharing and posting on web pages.Upload up to 20 files in JPEG and PNG formats. Click thumbnails in the queue to select images. Use the slider to control the compression level and mouse/gestures to compare......

15. PictureBeaver

PictureBeaver PictureBeaver is a WSH script for batch optimization PNG/JPEG/GIF images using optipng/jpegtran/gifsicle utilities.......