Top 15 Mongotron Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Mongotron is a new GUI for Mongo DB built using Electron and AngularJS.

1. Toad Extension for Eclipse

Toad Extension for Eclipse Toad Extension for Eclipse is an Eclipse plugin for Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL and MongoDB. It extends the functionality of Eclipse and offers various database management features. Toad Extension for Eclipse allows you to connect to your database, view and explore the database structure, database objects and properties, manage database objects,......

2. SeaLion

SeaLion SeaLion is a cloud based system monitoring tool for Linux servers. Getting started is as easy as executing a command. It installs an agent at /usr/local/sealion-agent and runs as an unprivileged user (sealion). This agent will collect data at regular intervals across servers and this data will be available on......

3. RockMongo

RockMongo RockMongo is a MongoDB administration GUI tool, written in PHP 5......

4. Workflow Engine .NET

Workflow Engine .NET WorkflowEngine.NET - component that adds workflow in your application. It can be fully integrated into your application, or be in the form of a specific service (such as a web service).The benefits of using WorkflowEngine.NET:- Designer of process scheme in web-browser (HTML5)- High performance- Quick adding to your project workflow-......

5. Cloudfoundry

Cloudfoundry Open-source PaaS for Java, Ruby, Python and Node.js.......

6. MongoVUE

MongoVUE MongoVUE is a popular windows application to administer, develop and manage MongoDB......

7. UMongo

UMongo UMongo, formerly JMongoBrowser, is a GUI app that can browse and administer a MongoDB cluster.Features include: connect to a single server, a replica set, or a MongoS instance DB ops: create, drop, authenticate, command, eval, … Collection ops: create, rename, drop, find, insert, save, … Document ops: update,......

8. mongo-express

mongo-express Web-based MongoDB admin interface written with Node.js, Express and Bootstrap3Features Connect to multiple databases View/add/delete databases View/add/rename/delete collections View/add/update/delete documents Preview audio/video/image assets inline in collection view Nested and/or large objects are collapsible for easy overview Async on-demand loading of big document properties (>100KB default) to keep collection view fast......

9. Orchestrate

Orchestrate Orchestrate is a managed database service that exposes the querying capabilities of NoSQL databases like ElasticSearch, HBase and Hadoop, allowing developers to add full-text search, time-ordered events, geolocation and graph queries to applications with a simple REST API. Orchestrate handles security, monitoring, and daily backups with no licenses, no software,......

10. Mandango

Mandango Mandango is a simple, poweful and ultrafast Object Document Mapper (ODM) for PHP and MongoDB.......

11. Hackolade

Hackolade Visual data modeling for NoSQL and multimodel databases: MongoDB, DynamoDB, and Couchbase schemas......

12. Gadael

Gadael Gadael is a powerful leave management application with rights attributions based on complex rules and periods planing. With Gadael you can:* Schedule multiples leave renewal periods in advance.* Automatically make adjustments of quantity based on the consumption on other rights.* Export your data for your payslip application.* Sync plannings with......

13. Mongoclient

Mongoclient It can be difficult to find a MongoDB management utility that is suitable for your needs, especially if you are looking for a cross-platform product that is not terribly pricey and comes with a decent set of features.Mongoclient offers a solution, in the form of an open-source application that integrates......

14. KeystoneJS

KeystoneJS The open source framework for developing database-driven websites, applications and APIs in Node.js. Built on Express and MongoDB.......

15. MeanJS

MeanJS MEAN.JS - Full-Stack JavaScript Using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js. From creators of MEAN.IO .Source code :