Top 15 Podly Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Podly is the social network for podcasts where you can discover, listen to and share podcasts. Connect with your friends to see which podcasts they subscribe to. Get personalized podcast suggestions based on the episodes you listen to and like the most. Share your favorite episodes, leave episode comments, and compete against your friends.


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1. NewsBin

NewsBin NewsBin Pro is a Usenet NNTP newsreader that downloads and decodes binary file attachments to Usenet posts.......

2. Ongo

Ongo Ongo brings together your news from a growing list of publications, including The New York Times, The Washington Post & USA TODAY, all in one place.......

3. Sputnik News

Sputnik News Sputnik is a major new media brand with modern multimedia centers in dozens of countries. Sputnik is uniquely positioned as a provider of alternative news content.......

4. RSS Desktop Aggregator

RSS Desktop Aggregator RSS Desktop Aggregator is a work in progress C# 4.0 productivity and time saver app that read and display RSS feeds and Outlook Items.Some of Desktop Aggregator Features are:•Manually/Automatically refresh modes.•RSS Feeds can be marked as non active (so they won't be refreshed automatically).•RSS Feeds can be marked as......

5. Busk

Busk Busk is a personalized service to consumer news. Find, read, share and collect relevant content without wasting time.......

6. cloneReader

cloneReader cloneReader is a clone of Google Reader , actually in beta.Open source.Responsive.Search in all feedsRemote login.Import subscriptions.xml and starred.json from google reader.Remote Storage.Multi language. ['en', 'es', 'pt', 'zh']Share entries in social networks.Keyboard navigation {'j': 'next', 'k': 'prev', 'u': 'expand', 's': 'toogle start', 'm': 'toogle unread' };List view......

7. SmartNews

SmartNews Your news in one minute. Get the award-winning, addictively simple news app loved by millions.Our proprietary algorithm analyzes 13+ million articles a day to deliver the top trending stories from the sources you trust: NBC News, TechCrunch, The Huffington Post, Bleacher Report, Quartz, The Verge,, Reuters, AP, Perez Hilton......

8. ProsePoint

ProsePoint ProsePoint is a software service that lets you quickly and easily publish your own newspaper or magazine online. You can upload stories, edit stories online, and organise stories into channels, all through the user friendly and convenient web interface. You do not need to know any programming or html.......

9. The Open Source NewsPaper

The Open Source NewsPaper The Open Source News Paper is software to make your own online news site.......

10. inoTechNews

inoTechNews - inoTechNews is full featured tech/gadget/mobile news reader that allows you browse, search multi-sites, read, save and share. - *Cool* features that no other apps have such as hyper-fast downloading, fast multi-site searching, read-later, color coding, color theme, thumb image, previewing... - inoTechNews has one of the most comprehensive list......

11. Caffeinated (RSS Reader)

Caffeinated (RSS Reader) Caffeinated 2.0 is a fast, easy to use, stand alone RSS reader. Built upon version 1.3.3's base system it has been rewritten to be completely stand alone, fast and fun to use.Along with its beautiful interface ( which looks stunning on a Retina Display ), Caffeinated also is feature rich,......

12. Flayrah

Flayrah Flayrah is an news magazine for furry fandom, written by the community since 2001. It seeks to mix the focused variety of Slashdot, the in-depth analysis of Ars Technica, and the vibrant debate of

13. PCWorld

PCWorld PCWorld is your trusted source for tech product reviews, tech news, how-to's and free downloads.......

14. Kotaku

Kotaku Kotaku is the definitive digital hub for video game news, reviews, cheats, design, and entertainment.......

15. Tom's Hardware

Tom's Hardware Tom's Hardware provides articles, news, price comparisons, videos and reviews on computer hardware and high technology. The site features coverage on CPUs, motherboards, RAM, graphics and displays, storage, and computer peripherals. Tom's Hardware has a forum and featured blogs. A unique aspect of Tom's Hardware is the "Build your Own"......