Top 15 LuaRadio Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

LuaRadio is a lightweight, embeddable flow graph signal processing framework for software-defined radio. It provides a suite of source, sink, and processing blocks, with a simple API for defining flow graphs, running flow graphs, creating blocks, and creating data types. LuaRadio is built on LuaJIT, has a small binary footprint of under 750 KB (including LuaJIT), has no external hard dependencies, and is MIT licensed.

1. SoapySDR

SoapySDR SoapySDR is an open-source generalized C/C++ API and runtime library for interfacing with SDR devices. With SoapySDR, you can instantiate, configure, and stream with an SDR device in a variety of environments. Both osmosdr and uhd devices are available within SoapySDR. In addition, vendors can directly support their hardware using......

2. inspectrum

inspectrum inspectrum is a tool for analysing captured signals, primarily from software-defined radio receivers.......

3. Baudline

Baudline Baudline is a time-frequency browser designed for scientific visualization of the spectral domain. Signal analysis is performed by Fourier, correlation, and raster transforms that create colorful spectrograms with vibrant detail. Conduct test and measurement experiments with the built in function generator, or play back audio files with a multitude of......

4. CubicSDR

CubicSDR CubicSDR is a cross-platform Software-Defined Radio application which allows you to navigate the radio spectrum and demodulate any signals you might discover. It currently includes several common analog demodulation schemes such as AM and FM and will support digital modes in the future. Many digital decoding applications are available now......

5. OpenWebRX

OpenWebRX OpenWebRX is a remote spectrum monitoring solutionwith the following features:- libcsdr based demodulators (AM/FM/SSB),- filters with changeable bandwidth, BFO and PBS,- waterfall display that can be shifted back in time,- uses HTML5 features like WebSocket, Web Audio API.......

6. sdrangelove

sdrangelove A graphical application for showing the Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) as graph and waterfall diagram of the radio spectrum retrieved by Software Defined Radio (SDR) devices supported by GrOsmoSDR. Plugins enable demodulating a selected signal.......

7. Gqrx

Gqrx Gqrx is a software defined radio receiver powered by the GNU Radio SDR framework and the Qt graphical toolkit. It supports many of the SDR hardware available, including Funcube Dongles, rtl-sdr, HackRF and USRP devices.......

8. Friar

Friar Friar Framework is an HTML5 eBook framework to publish interactive books on Android devices using simply open web standards.......

9. AmplifyJS

AmplifyJS AmplifyJS is a set of components designed to solve common web application problems with a simplistic API. Amplify's goal is to simplify all forms of data handling by providing a unified API for various data sources. Amplify's store component handles persistent client-side storage, using standards like localStorage and sessionStorage, but......

10. Espresso Framework

Espresso Framework Scalable Web Framework aimed at Speed and Simplicity......

11. Batman.js

Batman.js Batman.js is a framework for building rich web applications with CoffeeScript or JavaScript. App code is concise and declarative, thanks to a powerful system of view bindings and observable properties. The API is designed with developer and designer happiness as its first priority.......

12. Gearman

Gearman Gearman provides a generic application framework to farm out work to other machines or processes that are better suited to do the work. It allows you to do work in parallel, to load balance processing, and to call functions between languages. It can be used in a variety of applications,......

13. Nombo

Nombo Nombo is an Open Source Node.js framework that allows you to easily build Rich Cloud Applications.......

14. NHibernate .NET

NHibernate .NET NHibernate is a mature, open source object-relational mapper for the .NET framework. It's actively developed , fully featured and used in thousands of successful projects.......

15. Caracal Framework

Caracal Framework Fast, lightweight, developer oriented framework. Clear separation of code and content Built-in JSON based API Easy-to-use administration interface Flexible framework that gets out of your way......