Top 15 Xopero Cloud Personal Alternative and Similar Softwares | Apr 2024

Data security keeps you awake at night? Well, we have a perfect solution.
Xopero Cloud Personal is a simple backup software that allows you to quickly and easily protect the data stored on your computer.
You can decide which resources need to be protected: files and folders (e.g. Desktop and My Documents), mailbox or your collections of music, movies, and photos from your last vacation. In this way, you can even restore single elements when needed.
Xopero allows you to create hard drive images, including the operating system, installed programmes, settings and stored data. As a result, in case of a system failure or hard disk damage you can rapidly return to work in a familiar environment.
Backups are created automatically, and the application itself runs in the background and does not impact your computer in any way. Additionally, you can use a simple tool for synchronisation and sharing of encrypted data.
That's right – Xopero focuses on safety. That is why your files are encrypted with AES 256 (the same standard as used by banks and American government organisation NSA) before they even leave your computer. Next, the files are transferred to a data centre in Poland. Apart from standard security measures, our data centre also guarantees a redundant infrastructure, which means your files are being sent to two different locations. So even if one server room stops functioning, the data can be always recovered from the second one.
Maximum security + 24/7 access from anywhere in the world

1. Dropmyemail

Dropmyemail Dropmyemail’s simple user interface allows both techies and non-techies to easily backup their emails. Your emails are fetched using TLS/SSL when available and encrypted and stored securely using 256 bit Advanced Encryption Standards (AES).......

2. ToolWiz Time Machine

ToolWiz Time Machine Toolwiz Time Machine (Toolwiz multi-point restoration) is a powerful and easy-to-use undelete freeware, protecting your PC from data loss and improving its security. It allows users to create no more than 24 snapshots of your system partition on a regular basis to backup your system. If your current system gets......

3. Time Drive

Time Drive With Time Drive it’s easy to keep all of your files files, photos, music and documents backed up. Just set it up, and then let Time Drive do the rest of the work.Should you ever delete a file that you needed, you can either quickly browse or search your archive......

4. Gmvault

Gmvault Backup and restore your gmail account at will.Liberate your emails and never lose that part of your life.Backup all your emails on disk.Use the full sync mode to backup your entire gmail account in a unique directory. Your email backup repository can then be easily tar and moved from one......

5. KLS Mail Backup

KLS Mail Backup KLS Mail Backup is an easy to use backup program that allows you to back up and restore your PROFILE-FILES from Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail, Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox PROFILE-FILES and more. No Backup of the E-Mails! * Backup to: local and network drives......


TEBE TEBE (Thunderbird Environment Backup Extension) allows you to quickly and easily backup your Thunderbird extensions. In fact, it goes beyond just backing up -- It will actually rebuild your extensions individually into installable .xpi files.TEBE backs up and restores your extensions, themes, and (optionally) your address books, message folders, preferences,......

7. Cronopete

Cronopete Cronopete is a Linux clone of Time Machine , the backup utility for Mac from Apple. It aims to mimic it as closely as possible.......

8. iGoUSB

iGoUSB iGoUSB Backup is a portable plug'n use software solution that provides a simple, efficient and uncluttered way to save a copy of your computer files, documents, pictures, music and video files for the non-technical person. It is straight forward and visually intuitive for the novice and yet very powerful for......

9. rdiff-backup

rdiff-backup rdiff-backup backs up one directory to another, possibly over a network. The target directory ends up a copy of the source directory, but extra reverse diffs are stored in a special subdirectory of that target directory, so you can still recover files lost some time ago. The idea is to......

10. LogMeIn Backup

LogMeIn Backup Protect your customers critical data with automated backup control from LogMeIn Backup.Protect information on your computers with secure, remote backup to storage devices you control. Avoid relying on third-party or external storage services and use one remote backup solution for all of your PCs, regardless of their location.......

11. OnlineBackupVault

OnlineBackupVault Online Backup | This is your one source for online backup ! We provide an easy automated secure solution for internet data backup, Backup QuickBooks, backup files, Backup Photos, Backup Exchange, Backup SQL Server, Backup documents, backup music, mp3, mp4 and any other Business or Residential files......

12. PC Backup Utilities

PC Backup Utilities PC Backup Utilities supplies the most complete and professional backup solution for enterprise users. It could assist companies to manage all computer backup missions ranging from local hard drive backup, PC to PC migration, massive Windows system installation to large scale remote PC Hard Drive backup recovery.......

13. Acronis Migrate Easy

Acronis Migrate Easy So finally you got your hard disk drive the way you like it. Unfortunately, its now full and you have to upgrade to a new hard disk. You think you are facing a large re-installation project which is likely to take several days of tedious work.......

14. dd for windows

dd for windows dd is a command on Unix and Unix-like operating systems whose primary purpose is to convert and copy a file.On Unix, device drivers for hardware (such as hard disks) and special device files (such as /dev/zero and /dev/random) appear in the file system just like normal files; dd can also......

15. ShadowImage

ShadowImage ShadowImage makes image files of your system. It can even make images of your system, while Windows is running. It uses the popular WIM (Windows Imaging) format.......