Top 15 LookAt Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

The video collaboration cloud for creative teams. The Easiest and simplest way for creatives to share and discuss work in progress.

1. ViralWire Viral Video Website

ViralWire Viral Video Website One of the best youtube alternatives viralwire is full of great home videos and professional and viral videos from music to animals and automobiles check us out......

2. CatTorrent

CatTorrent Download and play torrents on your phone/tablet.Key features:? Open torrents from a browser? Add torrent from file? WiFi only mode? DHT support? Magnet links support? Partial downloads(you can choose which files to download)? Play downloaded files right from the app using your favorite player? Change download folder on the fly......

3. is a clone of - Torrent Search Engine.......

4. provides a one stop resource for encryption products from all over the world. The website was originally conceived as a way to show legislators how prevalent encryption products are and that trying to “put the toothpaste back in the tube” by tampering would be fruitless.Some of the benefits of......

5. File Explorer HG

File Explorer HG One of the best file manager for Android. All the files on your SD-card he categorizes that facilitates access to the desired content, without having to search for it on the folder manually. You can browse music files, videos, photos, documents, applications, as well as easy to copy, move, delete......

6. ßTorrent

ßTorrent ßTorrent is a fully-featured WebTorrent browser client written in Jade, CoffeeScript and Sass.Features* Informative GUI with easy sharing options* Downloading from an info hash or magnet URI* Seeding files (Single file only for the moment)* Download/Upload speed per torrent* Client Debugging......

7. µTorrent

µTorrent µTorrent (a.k.a uTorrent or MicroTorrent) is a lightweight BitTorrent client that includes standard features such as bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT. Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification and peer exchange. Only the server version is available for Linux officially. The desktop version can run on......

8. Free file hosting - Torrent caching - Premium link generator......

9. Facewebinar

Facewebinar Facewebinar provides free video conferencing, simple online meetings group chat into one easy-to-use platform. Free screen sharing, online meetings and team collaboration are all fast and quick.......

10. Nyaa Torrents

Nyaa Torrents A BitTorrent community focused on Eastern Asian media including anime, manga, music, and more.......

11. Semaphor

Semaphor In Semaphor, every conversation, file-shared, and message is cryptographically secure. We aren't slack about privacy, and neither are our customers. Until now, there's never been a mainstream product that patches the leaky holes within your organization, and bridges the gap between usability, convenience, and security.......

12. cloudplan

cloudplan One software to build your private, public or hybrid cloud locally or globally without the need for extra products or services - based on next-gen peer-to-peer technology.Key Features:Direct P2P syncAll file content is synced between the devices directly peer to peer up to 100 times faster than cloud storage.Intelligent load......

13. Ant Download Manager & Video Downloader

Ant Download Manager & Video Downloader - Simple and EasySimple, user-friendly,intuitive interface. Easy access to download the file. Categories. Preview content. Downloads list, sorting options. Drag and drop. Multi-language support (French. German, Italian, Russian, Swedish, Spanish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Norwegian, Dutch, Polish....)- Fast and EffectiveDownload your files as quickly as possible without slowing down your other......

14. UnderGet

UnderGet - Download files blocked by a firewall or other blocking tools. allows you to bypass blocks by renaming or encoding the files so they are not blocked.......

15. ProjectSend

ProjectSend ProjectSend is a self-hosted application (you can install it easily on your own VPS or shared web hosting account) that lets you upload files and assign them to specific clients that you create yourself! Secure, private and easy. No more depending on external services or e-mail to send those files!......