Top 15 Robohash Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Robohash is a easy web service that makes it easy to provide unique robot/alien/monster/whatever images for any text. Put in any text (such as IP address, email, filename, userid or whatever else you like) and get back a pretty image for your site. With hundreds of millions of variations, Robohash is among the leading robot-based hashing tools on the web.

1. Evatar

Evatar Evatar stands for email-linked avatar. Your evatar is an identifying picture that can be used to represent you on any website. Developers can use Evatar to seamlessly integrate user pictures that are effortlessly customizable. Evatar does not require users to make an account of any kind. Users can upload a......

2. Avatarly

Avatarly Avatarly is a simple gem for creating gmail-like user avatars based on user email or any other string passed.Inspired by avatar-generator by johnnyhalife.......

3. Avatar Maker

Avatar Maker Create your own free avatar online and share it with your friends!......

4. Face Your Manga

Face Your Manga With Face Your Manga you can create, modify, and share your personal avatars.......

5. Androidify

Androidify Androidify yourself by customizing the little green Android as yourself, your family, your friends, anyone! Stretch it , shrink it, add a hoody, style its hair, throw on some shades, or even give it a parrot and a pirate hat. Arrrgh!Once you’ve personalized your Android, share it with your friends,......

6. Gravatar

Gravatar An "avatar" is an image that represents you online—a little picture that appears next to your name when you interact with websites.A Gravatar is a Globally Recognized Avatar. You upload it and create your profile just once, and then when you participate in any Gravatar-enabled site, your Gravatar image will......

7. IkoBB

IkoBB IkoBB is a new open source forum which aim it is to fullfull the wishes and dreams of it's community. New features like emojis support, responsive design, Account usage of GitHub and Facebook and general features for a forum or bulletin board are the core of this bulletin board. IkoBB......

8. SignAvatar

SignAvatar SignAvatar is a Random Avatar and Signature Rotation Hosting.* Display images and photos at random on forums, blogs, or other websites.* Compatible with all websites that allow external URL's to be added.* Upload 3 files at a time* Have up to 500 signatures in rotation.* Have up to 500 avatars......

9. Contact Identicons

Contact Identicons Replace your missing contact photos with stylish identicons that uniquely identify all of your friends.......

10. PHP Fat-Free Framework

PHP Fat-Free Framework FAT-FREE is a powerful yet lightweight PHP 5.3+ Web development framework designed to help you build dynamic and robust applications - fast!Condensed in a single 55KB file, the frameworks simple domain-specific language gives you access to Fat-Frees all-purpose template engine, flexible cache, automatic spam protection, integrated unit testing tools, and......

11. Avatar

Avatar Get great looking, gradient avatar images through this simple micro-service. Images are provided in either PNG or SVG format of 120px by 120px resolution.......

12. Second Life Viewer

Second Life Viewer Second Life is a virtual world, and the Second Life Viewer is the official application used to enter it. Using the viewer you can logon and off, view, move about in, and hear the virtual world.......

13. Identicon

Identicon Create an identicon with this free online tool. An identicon is an avatar created from hashed information.......

14. Second Life

Second Life Second Life is a free 3D virtual world where users can socialize, connect and create using free voice and text chat. To access this world you need to use a viewer such as Second Life Viewer (see Second Life Viewer ).......

15. Identiconizer!

Identiconizer! This is a port of ChameleonOS' contact identicons feature with some additional features and fixes. When enabled, new contacts will be assigned a unique identicon instead of the default picture. Features: Use identicons for newly created contacts. A service is normally used to detect new contacts. If you use the......