Top 15 Quero AdBlock IE Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Quero AdBlock IE XML is an InPrivate Filtering XML-based Ad Blocker for Internet Explorer 8 and Quero AdBlock IE TPL is an ad blocking Tracking Protection List (TPL) for Internet Explorer 9.
Both are based on the Adblock Plus EasyList.

These methods are additions to Quero's IE9 Flash Hider and can also be used without any add-ons.

1. Simple Adblock

Simple Adblock Simple Adblock is a fast and efficient adblocker for Internet Explorer. Install it, select your country and enjoy browsing without any ads. Adblock for Internet Explorer Easy to useSimple Adblock offers a simple approach to adblocking. There is no need for creating advanced filterlists, just select your country. Advanced adblockingSimple......

2. AdBlocker Ultimate

AdBlocker Ultimate AdBlocker Ultimate is a cross-browser ad-blocker.FEATURES- Completely free- Block ALL ads - no whitelisted ads/websites- Block tracking and malware domains......

3. Adblock Plus

Adblock Plus Adblock Plus is a free extension that allows you to - among other things - block annoying ads, disable tracking and block domains known to spread malware. Available for Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Maxthon, Opera, Safari and Yandex, Adblock Plus uses filters that you choose to block all unwanted elements.......

4. Ads Killer

Ads Killer 1. Blocks all ads including:- Video ads (including Pre-Roll Youtube video ads)- Rich media advertising like video ads, interstitial ads and floating ads- Unwanted pop-ups- Banners and text ads (including Facebook advertisements)2. Speeds up page loading and saves bandwidth3. Protects you from malware and ad-trackers......

5. WinPurify

WinPurify WinPurify is a useful application designed to help you tweak various OS settings, remove unnecessary files and improve your computer’s general performance.Tweak your OS, remove unwanted items and speed up your PCWinPurify enables you to remove Windows universal apps, the Windows Store, temporary data and help files, as well as......

6. Bad Ad Johnny

Bad Ad Johnny An ad-blocker with a personality – Bad Ad Johnny – stops annoying ads, fights malware & dodges trackers.Taken from Chrome store >I am best at:Stopping AdsFighting MalwareDodging TrackersSpeeding up your browsingI DO NOT believe in acceptable ads. I DO NOT shake hands with publishers under the table and let some......

7. Adblock Cyceam

Adblock Cyceam Earn extra money while browsing online! Get rid of ads, and optionally tip your favorite sites. • Earn extra money while browsing online! • Get rid of ads, malware and trackers! • Optionally tip your favorite sites! Cyceam removes ads except ones which pay you to see them. You can......

8. Zirco Browser

Zirco Browser Zirco is an open-source alternative browser for Android. Features:• Basic browser features (bookmarks, history, downloads...)• Unlimited tabs• Easy bookmarks access• Easy tabs opening and closing• Bookmarks import from legacy Android browser• Can be set as default browser• Ad-blocker......

9. Adblock Analytics

Adblock Analytics Know with certainty how your business is affected by the usage of adblockers.- Reveals Advertising Revenue ImpactFind out the impact that adblocking is having on your businesses revenue enabling you to make an informed decision on how your business will respond to this new technology.- Device, OS, Browser & Country......

10. IE Tab

IE Tab IE Tab is a browser extension for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome that allows you to use Internet Explorer to display web pages in a tab. This is useful in many cases where a web page requires Internet Explorer features. Here are some of......

11. Browsera

Browsera Automated website layout testing service. Get a free report of your sites cross-browser problems.......

12. Fire IE

Fire IE Fire-IE is another IE Tab -like extension. It embeds the IE engine to handle IE-only websites.When you switch to the IE engine, cookies will be synchronized so that you do not need to relogin. It also supports mouse gestures for the IE engine with the FireGestures......

13. Magic Actions for YouTube

Magic Actions for YouTube [Be careful during the installation: Forum ]Magic actions for YouTube is a wonderful enhancement to any video viewing experience. Everything you love, now in one App! AutoHD, Ad Block, Cinema mode with Dynamic backlight, Mouse Wheel for Volume Control, Snapshot from playing video, Cool Day/Night toggle switch to......

14. XMarks

XMarks Xmarks is a cross-browser, bookmark-synchronization service for Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, iPhone, Android & iPad. Xmarks also offers search enhancement and web discovery based on sites bookmarked by users. Multi-language support, and can be used very simply with a browser-extension. The browser add-on and the vast......

15. AdLatch

AdLatch AdLatch helps publishers reclaim revenue lost to Adblockers and analyze the performance of visitors. Publishers leverage these insights to identify revenue forfeited to Adblockers and engage with those visitors to recoup lost revenue.Track visitors using adblockers, generate leads, increase email subscribers, grow your traffic by increasing social media sharings, and......