Top 15 Qobuz Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Be true to the music, it is the spirit Qobuz!
Qobuz: a site of high-fidelity downloads , listening on demand, music information and discussion like you've never "heard" ! A site where all styles come together and meet, in full understanding and in perfect harmony.
A site fidelity, where music is more beautiful. A site true to the music.

1. Zenound Music

Zenound Music Zenound is a music service that will change the way you experience music. Our goal is to create a service that can be easily adopted and make listening, discovering and sharing music easier to do (and also more enjoyable).Users can create playlists, organize their music, discover new music, share music......

2. Mixx Wire

Mixx Wire Mixx Wire is a free online music streaming service like Spotify. Users can search for songs and create playlists.......

3. Fuezy

Fuezy Stream the latest and hottest tracks from artists from around the world absolutely free!......

4. Tracqlist

Tracqlist A music streaming service providing content from a range of major and independent record labels. It has 15 million songs and 2 million releases in its database. It also provides library, playlist and radio features.......

5. Music Player Classic

Music Player Classic Music Player Classic is a mobile media player with an elegant UI that is configurable with skins and themes.......

6. Tuneself

Tuneself Music you will love but would have never discovered. Independent record labels and artists from all over the world. Stream and enjoy the best music for free.......

7. SHOUTcast Radio

SHOUTcast Radio SHOUTcast Radio is the home of free Internet Radio. Founded in 1999, SHOUTcast Radio was grown into one of the largest directories of professionally and community themed programmed radio stations in the world allowing anyone in the community, whether an individual broadcasting in their basement or a professionally run station,......

8. SongFlip

SongFlip Search and listen to millions of freely available songs, without ads! Browse by genre to find the most popular current hits.......

9. Radical.FM

Radical.FM Radical.FM is the most accurate streaming radio service in the world. We believe in a sustainable planet, global humanity, and local action. Radical is operated free of commercial interests on a Pay What You Can basis. We compensate artists, composers, and labels for all the music you stream.......

10. the largest FREE music listening platform on the planet.......

11. Ampz

Ampz Ampz is an unofficial 8tracks client for Mac.Features Listen to music Explore Popular Mixes Sign in to your 8tracks account Recommended Mixes and Personal Collections Like Mixes/Star Tracks/Follow Users View User/Mix details Search for keywords......

12. Madsonic

Madsonic Madsonic is a web-based media streamer and jukebox fork of Subsonic . Based on Java technology, Madsonic runs on most platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, OSX, and Unix variants.Use it to connect to your own Remote Streaming Server and listen to your music wherever you go! Songs are......

13. Openwhyd

Openwhyd Collect and share all the music you love from any source but reunited in the same place.Features: - Collect the music you love from Youtube, SoundCloud, Vimeo, Deezer, etc., on your profile Whyd. - organize your playlists and listen to your favorite sounds from anywhere! - Stay connected to the......

14. Anghami

Anghami Anghami gives you the largest music catalogue, with millions of arabic and international songs (international works only in MENA countries, Middle East and North Africa region).FeaturesSearch for all the songs you like, from Fairouz to Rihanna!Download songs and listen without internet or 3G. No laptop syncing needed!Build your own playlistsDiscover......

15. Simfy

Simfy [NOTE: simfy is available only in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Belgium.] With simfy you can listen to music anytime and anywhere. Millions of songs are just a touch ahead. Discover new music, save playlists and set the music you love as favorites. Free ad financed music catalog. Premium service allows......