Top 15 NAPS2 Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Scan with a single click

Easily scan with your chosen settings, or set up multiple profiles for different devices and configurations. Once you've finished scanning, you can save, email, or print with only a couple clicks. Save to PDF, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, or other file types.

Compatible with both WIA and TWAIN

Choose the driver that works best with your scanner, as well as settings like DPI, page size, and bit depth. Scan from a glass flatbed or an automatic document feeder (ADF), including duplex support.

1. Scanitto Pro

Scanitto Pro This scanner software is lightweight, fast and not overloaded with tons of unnecessary features. Fine-tune your scanner settings, make one-click document copies and save documents to multi-page PDFs – its a choice you will never regret making! If you have a scanner that you use for a limited range of......

2. iCopy Free Photocopier

iCopy Free Photocopier iCopy Free Photocopier is a free and open source application that lets you combine your scanner and printer into a powerful, easy to use photocopier by only pressing a button. You can use Automatic Document Feeders (ADF) too!You can run iCopy by just pressing the button of your scanner!! Its......


JOCR Apparently JOCR requires Microsoft Office 2003 or 2007 and won't work with Office 2010 (unless you also have an older version and do some tweaking). [1]JOCR enables you to capture the image on the screen and convert the captured image to text. JOCR enables you to copy text from any......

4. DropIt

DropIt When you need to organize files, DropIt can eliminate much of the drudgery of searching and manually opening folders and moving files around.You can configure DropIt to perform 17 different actions on your files and folders, filtering files by name, directory, size, date, properties, content or regular expressions. You can......

5. Foxit Reader

Foxit Reader Foxit Reader is a free and light-weight PDF document viewer for Windows. Its core function is compatible with PDF Standard 1.7.Whether you're a consumer, business, government agency, or educational organization, you need to read, create, sign, and annotate (comment on) PDF documents and fill out PDF forms. Foxit Reader is......


AIMP Freeware Winamp-like media player, based on BASS audio library with support for large number of formats and playlists. It works with multiple playlists immediately (tabbed window), allows creation of bookmarks and also has a playback queue. Crystal-clear sound, technology of reproduction essentially differs from Winamp and WMP.A maximum of functionality......

7. uGet

uGet uGet is a lightweight and full-featured Download Manager for Linux and Windows. uGet allows you to download in multiple parallel streams for download acceleration, put files in a Download Queue, Pause & Resume downloads, Advanced Category Management, Browser Integration, Clipboard Monitoring, Batch Downloads, localized into over 25 Languages, and many......

8. Dictionary .NET

Dictionary .NET Dictionary .NET is a tiny, easy and smart multilingual dictionary translating from/to 65 languages using Googles and Bing services.Integrates Google and Bing Dictionary, Translate, Search, Suggest (4-in-1) without installing and loading anything.Auto-detect any languages -> Dictionary -> Translate -> Search with just One-Click or a HotkeyFeatures: Smart Translation,Translate `Selected Text`......

9. WinScan2PDF

WinScan2PDF Save the scanned documents into PDF.WinScan2PDF is a very small (~40k) and portable program that allows you to scan documents and save them on your computer as a PDF by using any installed scanner. Features:# Very Small# Low CPU usage# Direct scan the documents and save them as a pdf#......

10. PieTTY

PieTTY PieTTY is a free SSH client based on PuTTY and dedicated to multilingual (especially CJK) environments, accessibility, and simpler user interface. "Glass Window Mode" : Alpha-blending / HW-accelerated transparency & drop-shadow. Drag'n'drop scp [scp only in stable version]......

11. WipeDisk

WipeDisk WipeDisk erases physical and logical disks (complete harddisks or single partition) secure and fast.WipeDisk overwrites the information sector-wise, from the first sector of the disk to the last one. This is particularly important for forensically correct deletion of data.WipeDisk supports 14 different wipe methods, e.g. two US Navy standards, the......

12. WakeupOnStandBy

WakeupOnStandBy Have you ever thought about how much energy your computers use up at night or when they're not in use? Have you ever wondered if it's possible to wake up your system from a sleep mode (or hibernation) using a resident program and not waste all that energy?The answer is......

13. Soft2base

Soft2base Soft2base is a Windows Applications Manager.It downloads and installs silently free applications in one step.Based on its auto-updated catalog of free softwares, it will highlights outdated or missing applications and propose to download and install them in a single step.Use it to add efficient tools to your new Windows setups......

14. LinkStash

LinkStash LinkStash is an outstanding bookmarks/favorites manager that works with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome and Netscape. Just 5 minutes with LinkStash and we are betting you will never want to use any other bookmark manager again!LinkStash can open and close with your browserUsing LinkStash means you can store and......

15. Todo.txt

Todo.txt Track your tasks and projects in a plain text file, todo.txt. A todo.txt is software and operating system agnostic; it's searchable, portable, lightweight and easily manipulated.......