Top 15 Numento Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Numento is a elegant collection software fully customizable that will let you freely choose your method of management. Manage your library (Books,CD, DVD, comic books, games), your coins, your stamps, your postcard, etc. Publish your collection on the internet with just one click.

1. CyArk

CyArk CyArk was founded in 2003 to ensure heritage sites are available to future generations, while making them uniquely accessible today. CyArk operates internationally as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with the mission of using new technologies to create a free, 3D online library of the world's cultural heritage sites before they......

2. Blacklight

Blacklight Blacklight is a free and open source ruby-on-rails based discovery interface (a.k.a. “next-generation catalog”) especially optimized for heterogeneous collections. You can use it as a library catalog, as a front end for a digital repository, or as a single-search interface to aggregate digital content that would otherwise be siloed.......

3. Refeus

Refeus Refeus is a software to simplify scientific work. Refeus supports the complete workflow from collecting and managing content and publications to write and publishing documents.......

4. – Online dictionary and encyclopedia with pictures, facts, and videos. Get information and homework help with millions of articles in our FREE, online library.......

5. ProCite

ProCite ProCite is a academic reference manager.......

6. VuFind

VuFind VuFind is a library resource portal designed and developed for libraries by libraries. The goal of VuFind is to enable your users to search and browse through all of your librarys resources by replacing the traditional OPAC to include:- Catalog Records - Digital Library Items- Institutional Repository- Institutional Bibliography- Other......

7. PortAudio

PortAudio PortAudio is a cross platform, open-source, audio I/O library. It provides a very simple API for recording and/or playing sound using a simple callback function.......

8. Find missing DLL (dynamically linked library) files for your Windows computer.......

9. Evergreen ILS

Evergreen ILS Evergreen is a highly-scalable software for libraries that helps library patrons find library materials, and helps libraries manage, catalog, and circulate those materials, no matter how large or complex the libraries.......

10. Koha

Koha Koha is the first free and open source software library automation package (ILS). Koha’s feature set continues to evolve and expand to meet the needs of its user base.Full-featured ILS. In use worldwide in libraries of all sizes, Koha is a true enterprise-class ILS with comprehensive functionality including basic or......

11. RtAudio

RtAudio RtAudio is a set of C++ classes that provide a common API (Application Programming Interface) for realtime audio input/output across Linux, Macintosh OS-X and Windows operating systems. RtAudio significantly simplifies the process of interacting with computer audio hardware. It was designed with the following objectives:object-oriented C++ designsimple, common API across......

12. BiblioteQ

BiblioteQ BiblioteQ strives to be a professional cataloging and library management suite, utilizing a Qt interface and providing connectivity to PostgreSQL and SQLite. The SRU and Z39.50 protocols are used for retrieving data for books, journals, and magazines. The software is available for all major operating systems and should be compatible......

13. RefMe

RefMe RefME is the world's #1 tool for automating citations, reference lists and bibliographies, on mobile and web ( Generate citations by scanning book or journal barcodes using your phone’s camera.- No Barcode? Search by Book/Article Title, ISBN, ISSN, DOI or URL.- Citing a website? Simply paste in the URL or......

14. SwiftCharts - i-schuetz

SwiftCharts - i-schuetz Layers based charts library for iOS......

15. Reference Manager

Reference Manager Reference Manager is a reference system for academic writing. Online Reference Searcher: Collect references from remote bibliographic databases. Search ISI Web of Science®, PubMed and Internet libraries worldwide from Reference Manager. Export references directly from Highwire Press, Ovid, OCLC and more. Build your personal reference collection from hundreds of online......