Top 15 Most Popular Productivity Tool Softwares | Jul 2024

Here are the top 15 most popular productivity tool softwares as derived from our TpSort Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a software.

1. Taskcode

Taskcode Taskcode is a task manager with a unique data input system. Unlike other reminder apps, where the user constantly have to tap from one option to another, Taskcode allows the easiest way of specifying all attributes of a reminder like due date, time, subtasks, title, repeat function etc. simply by......

2. ClearFocus

ClearFocus ClearFocus es la aplicación para administrar tu tiempo que te hace más productivo. Estas cansado de perder el tiempo con distracciones en lugar de concentrarte en lo que realmente importa? ClearFocus es para ti!Alternando sesiones de trabajo con pequeños descansos. Esto te permitirá concentrarte muy facilmente y completar tus tareas.......

3. goalmap

goalmap Aren’t you tired of taking resolutions that you then break due to a lack of time or motivation? Wouldn’t you like to build new habits, introduce positive changes in your life and realize your dreams? Then try goalmap! goalmap is a mobile app which helps you set, track, and reach......

4. ClipCard

ClipCard ClipCard is a personal search app. We help you find the stuff that matters most: your own. Search across your different apps and accounts, find useful summaries and do what you need quickly.Find the presentation you’re looking for, the contact you need to send it to, the project you’re tracking......

5. StartMyDay

StartMyDay We will help you reprogram your unconscious mind to help you achieve your goals. All it requires is the first and last 5 minutes of every day to change your life completely.It’s a fact that our unconscious mind controls 90% of our lives, managing our instincts, our fears and our......

6. HeyUpdate

HeyUpdate Keep your team in sync. Write an update at the end of the day and receive a summary of your team’s accomplishments the following morning. HeyUpdate is a simple and effective tool for teams that like to get things done.Integrate with the tools and services you already use including Pivotal......

7. WorkPuls

WorkPuls WorkPuls is an Automatic Time Tracking software which gives insight how employees spend working hours on computers. It allows you to take a look at bigger picture and find the root of time waisting. Live overview of what people are doing right now and when they arrived to their job......

8. When you use to share your content your fans & followers click through to the content you shared, but also get to learn more about you. Your bespoke window appears featuring your logo, your message and a link to your website – encouraging traffic to your site and......

9. FocusNow

FocusNow FocusNow is a small yet powerful productivity app for Windows that allows you the freedom to block out the distractions online and offline, while retaining your access to the sites and programs you need. It’s very easy to use and it only takes a few seconds to get you’re first......

10. Log My Hours

Log My Hours Log My Hours is an easy to use time tracking, employee and project management tool. Store all your time tracking data in the cloud with our web based application along with app support for iOS and Android.Easily create projects which have customizable tasks, budgets and invoicing methods. Charge per hour......

11. File Marshal

File Marshal Organize your files in all possible combinations - in seconds! Drag & Drop files from Finder or from built-in file browser. Create arbitrary virtual collection of files, sort files by different criteria. Browse files immediately - it includes media player and document viewer! If many files to be presented -......

12. Latis

Latis Latis is a visual way to bookmark, collect and explore the useful snippets of text, images and pages you find memorable.Latis makes it easy to collect useful content by dragging and dropping the part of a page you actually find memorable like quotes, headlines or images to create visual bookmarks.Latis......

13. TV Time

TV Time Have you ever missed your favourite TV show because you forgot when it was going to air ?Then TV Time is the only app you'll ever need to stay up to date with your favourite TV shows.......

14. Google Compare

Google Compare See how much you can save! Our service is free to you, but to operate this service, we are compensated by some of these insurers.We always welcome new members. If you're a US insurance provider, please contact us if you would like to join.This service for comparing insurance quotes is......

15. Searchy

Searchy Searchy literally turns the web into your personal guideAdd search scopes matching your needs to Searchy. Then just type anything you want to find into a right scope and get the search results narrowed by it.Organize your search scopesSearchy lets you perform searches using as many scopes as you want.......