Top 15 Alternative and Similar Softwares | Jul 2024

When you use to share your content your fans & followers click through to the content you shared, but also get to learn more about you. Your bespoke window appears featuring your logo, your message and a link to your website – encouraging traffic to your site and turning fans onto customers.

1. SpikeContent

SpikeContent SpikeContent is a content marketing management tool. It provides the means to collaborate efficiently throughout a marketing team, with features such as a shared calendar, automated publishing, workflow management, reviewing, statistics, guest access and more.......

2. Lifepilot Bucket List

Lifepilot Bucket List The Android App "Lifepilot Bucket List" helps you find cool tasks and missions to do out in the real world. Create your personal bucket list, track your goals and discover missions you feel passionate about.It's all about your journey. Discover great things to do, explore awesome places, inspire your friends,......

3. TidyMarketer

TidyMarketer TidyMarketing - Digital Advertising Planning and Executing Platform for Digital Agencies and Marketers......

4. Gleam

Gleam Gleam is an online application designed for businesses, publishers & agencies to drive meaningful actions via engaging campaigns & promotions.......

5. Log and catalog all the stuff you want to accomplish before you expire. Read stories and watch videos by people who checked items off their own bucketlists.......

6. Kontentino

Kontentino Kontentino simplifies content creation and lets you collaborate with your team during the process. It offers clients an easy way to comment on and approve posts.Social media managers find an intuitive planning calendar and plenty of handy features like live post preview, topic tags, boost budget planning, post version history......

7. Amplifr

Amplifr Social media publication and analytics app for content managers, businesses, agencies and e-commerces. Schedule or share on multiple social networks at once, automate reporting and analytics, enrich analytics data with traffic and e-commerce insights. Amplifr Analytics calculates likes, clicks, comments, shares, impressions, reach for each post, shows you the overview......

8. Brightpod

Brightpod Brightpod is a stress-free way for marketing teams to manage their campaigns and collaborate in real-time.Most marketing teams currently use a general purpose project management tool. With Brightpod, we make it easy for them to plan, organize & track all their digital marketing projects in one place.......

9. Iterable

Iterable Iterable is a growth marketing automation and user engagement platform. Using Iterable, B2C marketers can segment hundreds of millions of users, build sophisticated workflows, do A/B test and send messages seamlessly across all channels, including email, push notifications and SMS.With Iterable, marketers send the right message, to the right device,......

10. Allbound

Allbound Allbound is mobile-friendly software that helps businesses track and improve the performance of their indirect sales channels by automating the delivery of marketing content, sales tools and training at each stage of the pipeline.......

11. Akero Labs

Akero Labs Akero is a digital inbound and outbound marketing and lead generation platform, used by over 300 organisations, built with agencies and brands in mind. Akero marketing software captures essential user data by creating digital and social media marketing campaigns that are personalised to each respondent. Real time tracking tells the......

12. Whatagraph

Whatagraph Whatagraph creates the product that saves your time and cuts your costs. Presentation-ready infographic reports will help you understand the insights of Google Analytics.Infographic reports are sent to email every Tuesday in PDF file.Customers are able to track their past website performance.......

13. Pardot

Pardot Empower Sales to Connect Faster, From Anywhere with Salesforce Engage and Pardot.- Engage Campaigns- Engage Alerts- Engage Reports......

14. Eloqua

Eloqua Automated marketing and demand generation software and services for business-to-business marketers......

15. Sales Essistant

Sales Essistant SalesEssistant (SE) is an online platform that allows websites to collect facts about individual users in real-time. This information is often described as customer intent or visitor intent. It avoids the clunky popup model that other providers offer by adding a clean, customisable and unobtrusive ui to the site.SE allows......