Top 15 Alternative and Similar Softwares | Jul 2024

Log and catalog all the stuff you want to accomplish before you expire. Read stories and watch videos by people who checked items off their own bucketlists.

1. Day Zero Project

Day Zero Project The largest community of challenge based goal setters in the World.Day Zero Project is an online community for people who love creating lists, setting challenges, and making positive changes in their lives.Whether you want to travel, make things, discover new experiences, or completely reinvent yourself - Day Zero has something......

2. Bucketlistly

Bucketlistly The ultimate bucket list social network you all have been waiting for.BucketListly is a simple tool to help you create your online bucket list, unlock real-life achievements and share your biggest moments with friends.1. Create your online bucket list by listing all the goals you want to unlock in real......

3. Listography

Listography Create your lists, preserve your story, and stay inspired."Take dictation please. Possible candidates for kite flying society". — Max Fischer, Rushmore.Listography provides users (listographers) of all ages an easy-to-use tool for creative list writing and sharing. And through list making, you can shape an autobiography. A listography is a perpetual......

4. Voloe

Voloe Voloe is an online network designed to help you make a list to then share with friends and family. Making others aware of your goals, wishes, and dreams will give them meaningful knowledge into who you are and how they can support you. Chances are someone in your Voloe network......

5. Prava

Prava Traveling with friends and family is fun but clunky - you have to juggle different tools / apps before the trip, during the trip and after the trip. Need an easier way? Say hello to Prava.Watch the video – Highlights -* Plan the trip - Create your trip......

6. Lifepilot Bucket List

Lifepilot Bucket List The Android App "Lifepilot Bucket List" helps you find cool tasks and missions to do out in the real world. Create your personal bucket list, track your goals and discover missions you feel passionate about.It's all about your journey. Discover great things to do, explore awesome places, inspire your friends,......

7. eXtrigo

eXtrigo Achieving your goals might be hard and frustrating. That's why unlike many other productivity tools which mainly trying to make you remember to do your tasks, In eXtrigo you will be mainly focused on finding the best way to do it. Using the crowed collected wisdom on the site it......

8. Squirrel - Bucket List Goals Planner

Squirrel - Bucket List Goals Planner Set goals and see them through with the ultimate bucket list app.......

9. Papaly

Papaly is a personalized start page that is your go-to bookmark manager that fits all your needs. You’re able to sync your bookmarks fast and easy with step by step instructions! You're able to access your bookmarks from any platform that has internet access. Get one of the best Productivity......

10. is a blogging platform focused on privacy. There's no sign up — just open the app, write something, and publish. It is private and anonymous, so only those with a link to your post can see it, and we don't collect any data that you don't explicitly give us......

11. Laterbox

Laterbox Make your Priority to-do list. Put your random thoughts in Laterbox. At the end of the day check how many important works you have done. Focus on what matters Now and plan everything else for Later.Laterbox is not just a tool it's a strategy that works. Laterbox comes with a......

12. Listicle

Listicle Listicle is a place where you can share your stories with lists. People love to read and view things in list format because it’s easier to understand, grasp and remember. Now you can create beautiful & interactive lists with your iPhones and share them with your friends, family and the......

13. Greatness

Greatness Key features:* Beautiful panoramic backgrounds for habits and ability to set your own picture as background* Personal Diary for each habit - write notes and attach photos* Apple Reminders iCloud sync - mark habits as done on your Mac or Apple Watch* Completion and streak counters* Touch ID protection......

14. Sinapps

Sinapps Sinapps is a free publishing platform built on a social network. Create your website, customize it the way you want, publish awesome stories and get an audience quickly.When a Sinapps user visits your website, he becomes a member of your own community. The Sinapps websites share the same user base.......

15. Instapush

Instapush You won't miss anything, again.Gone are the times of checking your logs or emails everynight, between analytics, payment gateways and your custom-made control panel to discover what happened in your product or service. Instapush will keep you updated with events when they happen.Couldn't be easier.In your web app, add the......