Top 15 Lynx Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Lynx is a fully-featured World Wide Web (WWW) browser for users on Unix, VMS, and other platforms running cursor-addressable, character-cell terminals or emulators. That includes vt100 terminals, other character-cell displays, and vt100 emulators such as Kermit or Procomm running on PCs or Macs.

1. Links

Links Links is a graphics and text mode web browser, released under GPL. Links is free software.......

2. Xfce-Terminal

Xfce-Terminal Terminal is a modern terminal emulator for the Unix/Linux desktop - primarily for the Xfce desktop environment. We developed it because we saw the need for a lightweight and easy to use terminal emulator in the Xfce desktop environment, that doesn’t require the user to install the GNOME platform, but......

3. Dillo

Dillo Dillo is a multi-platform graphical web browser known for its speed and small size. Dillo is written in C and C++. Dillo is based on FLTK2, the Fast Light Toolkit (statically-linked by default!). Dillo is free software made available under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPLv3). Dillo......

4. W3M

W3M w3m is a text-based web browser as well as a pager like ' more ' or ' less '. With w3m you can browse web pages through a terminal emulator window (xterm, rxvt or something like that). Moreover, w3m can be used as a text formatting......

5. xombrero

xombrero xombrero is a minimalist web browser with sophisticated security features designed-in, rather than through an add-on after-the-fact. In particular, it provides both persistent and per-session controls for scripts and cookies, making it easy to thwart tracking and scripting attacks. In additional to providing a familiar mouse-based interface like other web......

6. Kazehakase

Kazehakase Kazehakase is a browser with gecko engine like Epiphany or Galeon.Main features * Tabbed browsing * Remote bookmark (e.g. RSS) in menu or sidebar o It is able to update periodically o In Japan, there are other remote bookmarks, for instance, LIRS (In Japanese), hina-di (In Japanese) , Kazehakase can......

7. Vim

Vim Vim ("Vi IMproved") is an advanced text editor that allows syntax highlighting, word completion and has a huge amount of contributed content.Vim offers several “modes” for editing with efficiency. This makes vim a non-user-friendly application but it is also a strength. The normal mode binds alphanumeric keys to task-oriented commands.......

8. ELinks

ELinks ELinks - Full-Featured Text WWW Browser......

9. Chromium

Chromium Chromium is the open-source browser project from which Google Chrome draws its source code. Chromium aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web. An unofficial portable version of Chromium is available here: . Windows binaries......

10. Midori

Midori Midori is a web browser that aims to be lightweight and fast. It is also privacy-aware, and by default allows users to search via DuckDuckGo . It uses the WebKit rendering engine and the GTK+2 interface (or optionally GTK+3). Midori is part of the Xfce Desktop Environment.......

11. WinTabber

WinTabber WinTabber is a tabmanager which enables you to tab almost any window (yes, also terminals) under windows 2000/XPWinTabber is initially made to add a fully functional tab-interface to terminal programs, like a tabbed putty and tabbed cmd, but it wil work with many more programs in the near future.......

12. cPuTTY

cPuTTY cPuTTY - A real cluster solution for PuTTY .Are you one of the poor who have to make the same changes to a file on multiple servers with PuTTY? You don't want to do this manually on each server? You are tired of not working cluster solutions for......

13. iTerm

iTerm iTerm is a full featured terminal emulation program written for OS X using Cocoa. We are aiming at providing users with best command line experience under OS X. The letter i represents a native Apple look and feel of the program interface, and an emphasis on complete international support.......

14. Cool Retro Term

Cool Retro Term Cool Retro Term (CRT) is a terminal emulator which mimics the look and feel of the old cathode tube screens. It has been designed to be eye-candy, customizable, and reasonably lightweight.Included are an array of packaged profiles (themes) that you can fully customize to get the exact, retro look you'd......

15. vijazedan Timer

vijazedan Timer This is a simple app that creates a timer, and when time finishes, a sound is played. It has two modes, GUI mode for user interface and terminal/console mode to execute and use it from a terminal emulator/command prompt.Icons: