Top 15 W3M Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

w3m is a text-based web browser as well as a pager like ' more ' or ' less '. With w3m you can browse web pages through a terminal emulator window (xterm, rxvt or something like that). Moreover, w3m can be used as a text formatting tool which typesets HTML into plain text.

1. ELinks

ELinks ELinks - Full-Featured Text WWW Browser......

2. Lynx

Lynx Lynx is a fully-featured World Wide Web (WWW) browser for users on Unix, VMS, and other platforms running cursor-addressable, character-cell terminals or emulators. That includes vt100 terminals, other character-cell displays, and vt100 emulators such as Kermit or Procomm running on PCs or Macs.......

3. Links

Links Links is a graphics and text mode web browser, released under GPL. Links is free software.......

4. cPuTTY

cPuTTY cPuTTY - A real cluster solution for PuTTY .Are you one of the poor who have to make the same changes to a file on multiple servers with PuTTY? You don't want to do this manually on each server? You are tired of not working cluster solutions for......

5. Xiki

Xiki Xiki makes the command line friendlier and more powerful. Xiki Shell (xsh) lets you use Xiki from command line, in a way that augments your current favorite shell (bash or zsh).......

6. WinTabber

WinTabber WinTabber is a tabmanager which enables you to tab almost any window (yes, also terminals) under windows 2000/XPWinTabber is initially made to add a fully functional tab-interface to terminal programs, like a tabbed putty and tabbed cmd, but it wil work with many more programs in the near future.......

7. iTerm

iTerm iTerm is a full featured terminal emulation program written for OS X using Cocoa. We are aiming at providing users with best command line experience under OS X. The letter i represents a native Apple look and feel of the program interface, and an emphasis on complete international support.......

8. Terminator

Terminator Terminator, multiple terminals in one window. The goal of this project is to produce a useful tool for arranging terminals. It is inspired by programs such as gnome-multi-term, quadkonsole, etc. in that the main focus is arranging terminals in grids (tabs is the most common default method, which Terminator also......

9. Onion Terminal

Onion Terminal oterm is a web browser unix terminal. It serves a console so you can access your server from anywhere in the world where you have an Internet connection. It effectively is an xterm in a browser. It emulates xterm commands, which are very similar to vt100 commands.......

10. Termux

Termux Ready to go. Termux works directly with no rooting or setup required. At first start a minimal base system is installed automatically - you decide what to do next.Powerful. Combine the flexibility and power of command-line tools - monitor multiple remote servers over SSH by tailing log files in tmux,......

11. Cool Retro Term

Cool Retro Term Cool Retro Term (CRT) is a terminal emulator which mimics the look and feel of the old cathode tube screens. It has been designed to be eye-candy, customizable, and reasonably lightweight.Included are an array of packaged profiles (themes) that you can fully customize to get the exact, retro look you'd......

12. zsh

zsh Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) which of the standard shells most resembles the Korn shell (ksh); its compatibility with the 1988 Korn shell has been gradually increasing. It includes enhancements of many types, notably in the command-line editor, options for customising its behaviour, filename globbing, features to make......

13. fshell

fshell fshell is the Symbian equivalent of bash + telnet + a posix-like set of command-line tools. In other words it's a console framework for Symbian OS with support for remote connections and a suite of tools for debugging the device.......

14. Cathode

Cathode Cathode is a fully customizable terminal app with a look inspired by classic computers.......

15. Doffen SSH Tunnel

Doffen SSH Tunnel May 28, 2015 New version We needed a way to easily organize our complex network of servers and connect to them with one click. Hard to satisfy server admins use it every day and they love it.If you have to open more than one putty session to get......