Top 15 Cue Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Searches your online stuff on Facebook, Twitter, Google Docs etc.
Cue helps you get the most out of your day. Featured in, USATODAY, Bloomberg Businessweek, and MIT Tech Review.
With Cue, you can spend more time enjoying your life and less time shuffling through your accounts and apps for the things you need. Cue intelligently ties together and surfaces useful information at the right time across all your accounts. From email, contacts and calendars to Facebook posts, Dropbox files and LinkedIn -- Cue makes it easy to contact the people you care about, get to where you are going, and to know what’s next. ...

1. Searchtastic

Searchtastic Searchtastic is a new Twitter search engine that searches historical tweets and more.......

2. Google Quick Scroll

Google Quick Scroll Google Quick Scroll is a Chrome extension that helps you find what you are searching for faster. Quick Scroll lets you jump directly to the relevant bits of a Google search result.After you click on a Google search result, Quick Scroll may appear on the bottom-right corner of the page,......

3. AddressBookSync

AddressBookSync AddressBookSync is a free Mac OS X application to download profile pictures and other Facebook data to Address Book cards. This is a handy tool to keep your contacts pictures updated if you have numerous Facebook friends in your Mac OS X Address Book. If your phone supports synchronization with......

4. Phoenix Image Editor

Phoenix Image Editor Phoenix is a free online image editor, that means that you can upload your images and edit them in your browser. It looks like Photoshop and have a Firefox add-on, also you can share your images on Facebook, Flikr and Picasa.From basic image retouching to complex effects, Phoenix delivers the......

5. ShoveBox

ShoveBox ShoveBox catches all those little scraps of information that you can't act on now but would rather not forget. It sits up in your menubar, waiting for you to drag in text, images, urls, and more.It makes it incredibly easy to get data in. Just drag it in from near......

6.'s service lets you register your own .mp domain and gives you a free Web site that serves as a hub for your content across the Web. Your site also gives you one place to bring together and manage all your contacts in one "Ultimate Black Book". lets......

7. FCorp Easy Web

FCorp Easy Web Easy Web is a small, compact but feature packed application that allows you to perform custom searches on the internet.......

8. Wibiya

Wibiya Wibiya provides a web toolbar that enables blogs and websites to integrate the most exciting services and web applications into their blog or website......

9. FaceNiff

FaceNiff FaceNiff is an Android app that allows you to sniff and intercept web session profiles over the WiFi that your mobile is connected to.It is possible to hijack sessions only when WiFi is not using EAP, but it should work over any private networks (Open/WEP/WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK)It's kind of like Firesheep for......

10. Fonebook

Fonebook Allows you to sync contact details from Facebook to Outlook 2003 / 2007.......

11. Agent Ransack

Agent Ransack Agent Ransack is a tool for finding files and information on your hard drive fast and efficiently. When searching the contents of files Agent Ransack also displays the text found. Users can then quickly browse the results without having to separately open each file!Agent Ransack provides compelling advantages over similar......

12. MahTweets

MahTweets Connect with Twitter, Facebook,, and YammerUpload to Flickr, Twitpic, YFrogPowerful filteringGeo-tagging support (both viewing geotags and sending)Auto-splits tweets over 140 characters......

13. 11in1

11in1 It is an open-source content management system (CMS) that is powered by PHP and MySQL. It does not only help you manage your personal blog but also maintain your postings at social networks. By establishing consistency among the data transmitted from and to the blog, this CMS sustains continuous harmonization......


FBVPN FBVPN is a fast VPN that you can use on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iPhone, iPad, and Android. It's very easy to set up, and all of your Internet traffic is encrypted.......

15. Index Your Files

Index Your Files Index Your Files allows you to search through all your files or folders on local or networked drives without remote admin rights (as necessary for the similar app "Everything"). Searching can be done by name, date, size, location etc., and boolean operators are available to to perform multiple keyword searches.......