Top 15 Codex Alternative and Similar Softwares | Jul 2024

* Laravel 4.2
* Github-flavored Markdown
* Host an unlimited number of manuals with accompanying versions
* Code highlighting
* Easy TOC / navigation system
* SEO friendly URLs
* Simple search
* Supports Google Analytics
* Supplied theme built on Bootstrap
* Automatic header anchors

1. CppDoc

CppDoc CppDoc generates HTML documentation for C++ classes, based on your source code and special comments embedded within it. It can produce output that is very similar to the output of Javadoc, and it supports Javadoc tags such as @see, @return , etc. The documentation comments are optional; if you leave......

2. DocBlox

DocBlox DocBlox is a Documentation Generation Application (DGA) for use with PHP applications.It is capable of transforming the comments in your source code into a full API reference document.DocBlox is build to be PHP 5.3 compatible, fast, having a low memory consumption and easily integratable into Continuous Integration.......

3. Sandcastle

Sandcastle Sandcastle produces accurate, MSDN style, comprehensive documentation by reflecting over the source assemblies and optionally integrating XML Documentation Comments. Sandcastle has the following key features:* Works with or without authored comments* Supports Generics and .NET......

4. is an documentation generator that uses a simple folder structure and Markdown files to create custom documentation on the fly. It helps you create great looking documentation in a developer friendly way.......

5. PageHub

PageHub PageHub is an editing platform built to aid developers in writing documentation for their software.It's clean: An interface that doesn't get in your way, one that screams "writing" all over.It's efficient: Write using Markdown. Use your keyboard for action shortcuts just like you would with your desktop IDE or editor.It's......

6. GhostDoc

GhostDoc Supported platforms: Visual Studio 2015 incl. Community Edition Visual Studio 2013 Visual Studio 2012 Visual Studio 2010 Visual Studio 2008 Supported Languages: C#, Visual Basic, C#, C++/CLI, JavaScriptComment stub creation/update works also for C++GhostDoc is a Visual Studio extension that automatically generates XML documentation comments for methods and properties based......

7. Doxygen

Doxygen Doxygen is a tool for generating documentation from annotated C++ sources, as well as other popular programming languages like C, Objective-C, C#, PHP, Java, Python, IDL (CORBA, Microsoft, and UNO/OpenOffice flavors), Fortran, VHDL, Tcl, and to some extent D.......

8. is the missing hosted and automated API-Doc generation service for Javascript. By simplifying API-Doc setup it enables you to actually focus on writing documentation! automatically creates API-Doc for every tag and selected branches, supporting JSDoc comments and Markdown articles.Setup your repo in 3 minutes!......

9. Document! X

Document! X Document! X is a combination of an automated documentation tool and a full authoring environment which can be used to create, publish and maintain accurate, professional quality documentation for .NET, Web Services, Databases, XSD Schemas, COM Components and Type Libraries, Java and Javascript.Document! X is not just an automated documentation......

10. ForgeDoc

ForgeDoc ForgeDoc is a class library documentation generator for .NET assemblies. It can create MSDN-style API reference documentations in HTML and CHM output formats. It completely supports the latest .NET Framework with proper syntax generation for C#, VB.NET and C++ languages.......

11. sharpDox

sharpDox sharpDox is a documentation tool to create c# code documentation of any type. The tool creates a model of a given c# solution and passes it to the registered export plugins. The plugins transform the model to a defined output. sharpDox comes with a chm & html export plugin which......

12. Read The Docs

Read The Docs Read the Docs hosts documentation for the open source community. It supports Sphinx docs written with reStructuredText, and can pull from your Subversion, Bazaar, Git, and Mercurial repositories. The code is open source, and available on github.The documentation for the site is organized into two different sections below. One is......

13. phpDocumentor 2

phpDocumentor 2 PHP documentation generator based on docblock parsing. phpDocumentor 2, result of the merge between the old phpDocumentor and DocBlox , sometimes referred to as phpdoc or phpdocu, is the current standard auto-documentation tool for the php language. Similar to Javadoc, and written in php, phpDocumentor can be used......

14. NDoc

NDoc NDoc generates class library documentation from .NET assemblies and the XML documentation files generated by the C# compiler (or with an add-on tool for VB.NET).NDoc uses pluggable documenters to generate documentation in several different formats, including the MSDN-style HTML Help format (.chm), the Visual Studio .NET Help format (HTML Help......

15. Texinfo

Texinfo The Texinfo package contains programs for reading, writing, and converting info pages. It uses a single source file to produce output in a number of formats, both online and printed (dvi, html, info, pdf, xml, etc.). This means that instead of writing different documents for online information and another for......