Top 15 Kosmix Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

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1. FlipToast

FlipToast Join over 300,000 people using Facebook from their desktop without having to open a browser window. Free online application includes access to Facebook games and drag + drop photo uploader.......

2.'s service lets you register your own .mp domain and gives you a free Web site that serves as a hub for your content across the Web. Your site also gives you one place to bring together and manage all your contacts in one "Ultimate Black Book". lets......

3. Life Stream

Life Stream Life Stream is an application allowing you to follow and interact with multiple social networks without using the browser. Follow all your friends from one unique stream, and interact with them cross sharing links between various social networks and services.Life Stream has three display modes, a simple notifier with integration......

4. Unthink

Unthink UNTHINK is an all-in-one social media platform that enables you to connect with the world around you and collaborate with others to bring the change you want to see in the world.It is a Community with a Shared Way of Thinking.It's mission is to emancipate social media and unleash people’s......

5. Chomp

Chomp The best way to find apps in iTunes and the Android Marketplace, through a unique combination of app search and personalized recommendations. Search for iPhone and Android apps and see the best app search results, on sale apps and new apps.......

6. Qwerly

Qwerly Qwerly is a people search and directory for the social web, a whois for Twitter. Find anyone's social web profiles. See where your friends and colleagues are hanging out! For every Twitter user that is looked up on our site, we generate a simple profile with links to that person's......

7. Plebu

Plebu Plebu is a do it yourself website builder for people who aren't website builders. Plebu makes it easy to build a website to get your business online, or just make your own website online.......

8. LovdbyLess

LovdbyLess A free open source social network platform, Lovd by Less was built with ruby on rails. Download and build your very own community. Current FeaturesFollow a user, mutual following is friending.User-to-User MessagingProfile CommentsUser Blogs with CommentsPhoto Gallery with CaptionsSite Search for FriendsProfile Bio and InformationUser Dashboard (Recent Activity of Friends)Emailed......

9. Cuil (pronounced /'ku?l/ "cool" according to the creators) was a search engine that organized web pages by content and displayed relatively long entries along with thumbnail pictures for many results. It claimed to have a larger index than any other search engine, with about 120 billion web pages. It went......

10. Snappy

Snappy Snappy is the best way to use SnapChat on your Mac. Snappy is a ghost puppy. He will loyally deliver your Snaps directly to your Mac. View, send and add awesome filters to your Snaps. • Send and receive Snaps through your Snapchat account. • Drag-and-drop pictures saved......

11. Gaption

Gaption Gaption is a platform that empowers people to pursue what they love doing, by allowing them to monetize their passions, skills, and content through a fun and delightful experience.- Simple, Beautiful Storytelling and SharingConnecting with others has never been simpler and more fun! Not only can you discover and share......

12. DizCool

DizCool Dizcool is a social network with less advertising and more socializing options. The contest section lets users compete with friends using videos, pictures, songs, etc.......

13. Viushare

Viushare Viushare lets you create rooms where users can exchange, watch, and listen to music and videos in real-time. We currently support synchronized watching of Youtube, vimeo, Dailymotion, Soundcloud, Livestream, Twitch, Ustream,, Imgur and are constantly expanding.In addition to synchronization we provide a set of interactive tools to enhance the......

14. Blippex

Blippex Blippex is a search engine by the people, for the people. Individuals that have our browser extension installed tell us how long they stayed on a webpage.With that data we build our search engine and rank the search results based on the time people spend on a webpage. We assume......

15. iGoogle

iGoogle iGoogle is your personalized Google page. Add news, photos, weather, and stuff from across the web to your page. It was available also for mobile at and for iPhone at (it has been discontinued on July 2012).......