Top 15 Submit your Salary Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

Submit your Salary provides a unique way to discover how much other people are making professionally along with how they feel about their workplaces, as well as sharing your own salary and workplace experience.

1. Glassdoor

Glassdoor Glassdoor is the world's most transparent career community that is changing the way people find jobs, and companies recruit top talent.Glassdoor holds a growing database of 6 million company reviews, CEO approval ratings, salary reports, interview reviews and questions, benefits reviews, office photos and more. Unlike other jobs sites, all......

2. Jobflow

Jobflow Jobflow is not your typical job search app. It is a live job feed tailored just to you. It’s easy, convenient, secure, and the fastest way to find a new job.......

3. StackJobs

StackJobs StackJobs is an online job search engine, developed specifically for IT professionals; providing latest job opportunities to IT job seekers in the UK and world over. StackJobs contains job advertisements from small startups to large IT companies. Hence tech jobseekers get latest and most relevant information related to new IT......

4. Neuvoo

Neuvoo Neuvoo is a free job search engine that indexes jobs directly from companies' career websites, placement agencies and job boards, for free. Also, Neuvoo centralize all jobs available on the web to help people find new career opportunities, so it is are much like the Google for jobs.Nevertheless, Neuvoo offer......

5. NearBuz

NearBuz NearBuz is a new Android application that helps connect service provides and professionals. It is a great platform by which anyone can find local business owners and employers. The goals of this application are to provide a common platform where people can easily connect with professionals and service providers available......

6. Find full-time remote programming jobs and bid on programming gigs (projects)......

7. is a curated Freelance Marketplace of professional and experienced freelancers. Employers can post Freelance Projects on Truelancer & get quotes for free. Truelancer provides payment security to the Freelancers & Work satisfaction guarantee to the Employers by using a security deposit. At present, has registered freelancers from all......

8. Instahyre

Instahyre Instahyre is where the top 2% of talent and companies meet each other. We make recruitment faster and better!Traditional job boards have too much noise. As a job seeker, do you really want to look at thousands of completely irrelevant job postings, or get spammed by recruitment agencies for the......

9. iDoo Jobs

iDoo Jobs iDoo Jobs is a professional services exchange for dooers! Buyers and sellers exchange digital services.Services include:- Graphic Design- Digital Marketing- Writing and Translation- Video & Animation- Programming & IT- Assignment Help- Business Services- Advertisingamong many others.MissionEditTo connect freelancers with users in need of digital services.......

10. Rise To

Rise To A learning and recruitment platform matching you to the best learning, jobs, and companies. We deliver you the best courses, events, and events as well as articles, videos, and books. Our recommendations are perfect for you and your career. Understand yourself with a series of articles and tests. Develop your......

11. Task Tender

Task Tender Task Tender is the newest Australian peer to peer marketplace connecting people who need tasks done with people willing to do them. The offer amounts are visible to all so you get the best price. It's free to post and only the worker ever pays a small 10% fee. You......

12. Freelanship

Freelanship Freelanship is a curated marketplace of the best and most affordable, on-demand freelancers, personally vetted by our founder. Whether you need an affordable WordPress website, PR strategy or a content marketer, we're here to help.......

13. remoteJobsClub

remoteJobsClub Would you hate it if all the vital information for a remote job such as location and timezone constraints, travel and work authorization requirements were posted at the end of the listing? Wait a sec. What if it was scattered throughout the listing. What if they were never mentioned in......

14. provides Online Skill Test, Tutorials, Video Tutorial, Online Training and Resume Analytics Service.......

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