Top 15 Alternative and Similar Softwares | Jul 2024

Jumble provides a secure email service that integrates with existing email providers so you don’t need to change your email address or change how you interact with your emails.

Jumble was designed so that it could be used without any knowledge of data security, encryption or encryption keys, but if you’d like to know more then read on.

Jumble uses global data encryption standards to secure your emails; in fact we use 2 different sets of encryption keys for each email you send.

1. oPenGP

oPenGP oPenGP is a solution to support OpenPGP standard (RFC 4880) on your iOS device.......

2. Mailfence

Mailfence Mailfence is an Email solution that emphasize on online privacy and security. This email service was developed to maximize freedom on the internet and allows you to protect your basic civil rights. Mailfence is based in Belgium and does not rely on any American companies. They won't be able to......

3. runbox

runbox Runbox provides secure email communication with Perfect Forward Secrecy SSL connections, Extended Validation, and options for PGP encryption.We are committed to protecting your data in accordance with Norway's strong privacy regulations, preventing unauthorized access to your email.......

4. provides private, encrypted, online communication with layers of security you can trust. With rocketing growth online and improvements to computer capacity, governments and private sector are collecting and sharing information on every facet of people’s lives. is dedicated to actively improving privacy protection with innovative technology. Create email......

5. CryptUP: Encrypt Gmail with PGP

CryptUP: Encrypt Gmail with PGP CryptUP lets you Encrypt Gmail with PGP in 60 seconds. Easiest end-to-end encryption for Google Email.CryptUP supports attachments, drafts, conversations.. just like Gmail you are used to.......

6. Symantec Desktop Email Encryption

Symantec Desktop Email Encryption Desktop Email Encryption provides an end-to-end email encryption solution that automatically encrypts and decrypts email directly from one user's client to another's without the need to log into a third-party website or by other means.......

7. Sfletter

Sfletter protects your message and attachments by one click. Email protection from interception and unauthorized actions of the recipient.* Currently the service is running in beta, so it has some restrictions:- Email box size is limited to 500MB.- Total number of recipients for one message should not be more than......

8. CAcert

CAcert is a community-driven Certificate Authority that issues certificates to the public at large for free.CAcert's goal is to promote awareness and education on computer security through the use of encryption, specifically by providing cryptographic certificates. These certificates can be used to digitally sign and encrypt email, authenticate and authorize......

9. Toolsley PGPigeon

Toolsley PGPigeon PGPigeon is a simple but powerful OpenPGP-compatible message encryption webapp based on the openpgp.js library.You can encrypt and decrypt messages, sign and verify signatures (of signed plaintext messages as well as encrypted ones). The encrypted message can be sent over email or any other channel. Fetching keys from key servers......

10. GPGMail

GPGMail GPGMail is an open source plugin for Apple Mail. It brings the functionality to sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt mails using the OpenPGP standard.......

11. Shazzlemail

Shazzlemail ShazzleMail is the first privacy-protective and surveillance-resistant secure email service. ShazzleMail doesn’t travel the web, but delivers mail directly from your smartphone. No server copies, no open access to NSA, and no big business data mining. Free, because who can put a price on privacy?......

12. Virtru

Virtru Virtru provides digital privacy technology to let you easily share information securely through all major email programs and applications. Virtru puts you in charge of how your digital information is shared. Combining control, convenience, and simplicity, Virtru makes it easy to keep your private communications private.Encrypt emails before sendingControl who......

13. Remove RDP Trails

Remove RDP Trails Remove RDP Trails is a simple application that removes all trails when you are using Microsoft Remote Desktop to connect to a remote computer.This application was created to solve issues for users that wanted to connect to a remote computer in order to store sensitive data and at the same......

14. Ciphermail for Android

Ciphermail for Android S/MIME email encryption and digital signatures for Android devices......

15. Google search link fix

Google search link fix Google and Yandex search pages have the annoying habit of changing the result link when you click it. So if you right-click the link in order to copy it you get some gibberish instead of what you wanted. This extension disables that behavior – on any Google or Yandex domain,......