Top 15 NoteApp Alternative and Similar Softwares | May 2024

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1. Taskade

Taskade Taskade is a simple to-do list and task manager. You can instantly make a list and share it with your friends, family, and colleagues. Use Taskade to capture your ideas, goals, and daily tasks. Simple, clean, and beautifully designed with relaxing themes and backgrounds. Taskade declutters your thoughts so you......

2. EditPad Lite

EditPad Lite EditPad Lite is a general-purpose text editor, designed to be small & compact, yet offer all the functionality you expect from a basic text editor.It is a step up from Notepad, offering cleaner handling of large files, support for UNIX and Mac end-of-line characters, & provides a tabbed interface for......

3. NFOPad

NFOPad NFOPad is a small, fast and flexible combined text editor and nfo viewer. It is a clone of Microsoft's Notepad but much more customizable and with some additional features. NFOPad fully supports Unicode as well as nfo files with ASCII art.......

4. Online Notepad

Online Notepad Write without distractions with this online notepad. Including a minimalist and responsive design so it could be easily used in small screens. Main features: - Text is autosaved to localstorage, so no changes are lost - Line numbers - Create, open, save file - Undo and redo actions - Status......

5. Simple NotePad

Simple NotePad Simple NotePad is a basic and easy-to-use text editor for writing and saving articles, memos, papers and speeches. Simple NotePad allows importing, saving and editing txt, html documents formats. Also allows exporting as PDF document.Features:- Invert mode provides better screen visibility in sunlight!- Show/Hide ruler to help you stay focused......

6. Thunderpad

Thunderpad Thunderpad (formerly Textpad) is a simple, general-purpose and cross-platform text editor written in C++ using the Qt libraries. Thunderpad aims to be faster and more lightweight than most text editors, but as useful as them. Additionally, Thunderpad supports syntax highlighting, word count, line count and comes with various color schemes.FeaturesSimple......

7. SnipNotes

SnipNotes *** Intelligent note-taking *** • SnipNotes will categorize your notes automatically and lets you filter based on their type• Each category comes with a set of actions: You can call phone numbers, view addresses in Maps and much more• You can use these actions in the main app, the notification......

8. Daypage

Daypage Daypage is journal software that urges you to write every day. The benefits of journaling are numerous. Increased memory, better planning, higher achievement rate, and overall: INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY.Daypage helps you capture all those benefits with a fantastic writing interface and tools to keep you on track. You can use Daypage......

9. Coastline

Coastline Coastline is a simple minimalist text file editor. Handy and fast, it allows you to create, open, edit and save plain text files.Features:- Minimalist design- Opening, editing and saving plain text documents- Changing font face, size and line height- Autosave and built-in simple file explorer- Remebering last opened file and......

10. Mousepad

Mousepad A simple text editor for the Xfce desktop environment. Mousepad aims to be an easy-to-use and fast editor for quickly editing text files, not a development environment or an editor with a huge bunch of plugins.Features:* Complete support for UTF-8 text* Cut/Copy/Paste and Select All text* Search and Replace* Font......

11. is a free online notepad allows you to create any text or notes in your web browser. No login required, no sign up required. This simple online notepad has AutoSave function and allows you to restore your text “as a draft”, even if you have closed your web browser,......

12. 750 Words

750 Words 750 Words is an online plain text editor with autosave and fullscreen edit options, 750 Words also lets you track your progress and earn points for achievements. Login with Google, Yahoo or Facebook Connect. Best if a person wants to habituate himself with writing and great for anyone experiencing a......

13. QOwnNotes

QOwnNotes QOwnNotes is the open source plain-text notepad with markdown support and todo-list manager for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows, that works together with the notes application of ownCloud . So you are able to write down your thoughts with QOwnNotes and edit or search for them later......

14. Little Outliner

Little Outliner Little Outliner is an easy to learn, entry-level outliner that runs in a web browser.It's written in JavaScript and runs in HTML 5.You do not have to register or create an account. Just visit the site, and start typing.It stores text in local storage on your own computer.The user's outline......

15. BlueMesh

BlueMesh BlueMesh is a sophisticated platform that enables you and your team to launch projects on time and on budget. Leveraging our active monitoring platform your team is notified of potential bottlenecks, risky dependencies, and likely date changes. Eliminate boring meetings by using the generated timeline that is automatically maintained using......